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There are a variety of ways to give to Good Shepherd, including your time & talent, your treasure, and your prayers. 


Time & Talent

Are you a gifted teacher? Do you have a welcoming and hospitable heart? Is there a particular issue you care about, or a certain group of people you feel called to serve? One of the most significant ways you can give to Good Shepherd is through the time and talent you have to offer. 


Good Shepherd typically holds an annual "Rally Day" in September. This celebration offers a showcase of all our ministries, providing an opportunity to talk with ministry leaders and sign up for the coming year. Check out our Ministries page to learn more about the ways that you can get involved in terms of your time and talent.



Scripture reminds us that all things come from God, and of God's own do we give back to God (I Chronicles 29:14).  For those who have the means, giving of our financial treasure is an important way that we live into our call to serve God in the world. There are several different ways for you to give financially to the church: 


The Offering Plate: 

The most common way that many offer their treasure is during the passing of the offering plate during worship. You can designate how you would like your gift to be used by writing the name of the ministry you wish to support on the memo line of your check or on an envelope containing cash. Non-designated gifts are put towards the church's general fund, which is used for the day-to-day operations of the parish.


Online Offering Plate:

If you'd like to make a one-time gift to the church using a credit card, just drop your donation here, in our "online offering plate!" Just like the offering plate passed around during worship, you can specify how you would like your gift to be used by writing the name of a particular ministry or project in the "memo line" section at checkout, or you can just make a contribution to the church's general fund:

Make a Pledge: 

A pledge is a commitment of financial support to the church for the year, which can be paid in weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual (one-time) increments. Whether you give $1 or $10,000, no amount is insignificant, and pledging at any level helps the church plan for the year ahead.


Pledging a percentage of your income is also an ancient spiritual discipline that fosters faithfulness and mutual responsibility. The traditional Biblical "tithe" is 10%, however not everyone is able to give at that level. If you are a first-time giver, consider giving 3% or 5%. No matter how much you give, the purpose is to discover and commit to a level that honors God's generosity and increases your joy. 


Our annual stewardship campaign, called the "Every Member Canvas," is held in the Fall. If you would like to make a pledge and need a pledge card, please contact the church office


Memorial Endowment Fund: 

This fund allows a person to make a financial contribution to the church in memory of a loved one who has passed away (even if that person was not a member of Good Shepherd). Funds given to the Memorial Endowment are held in trust, and used to sustain the long-term future and life of Good Shepherd. 


To make a donation to the Memorial Endowment Fund in memory of a loved one, please contact the church office


Mission Outreach Fund: 

Our Mission Outreach team partners with several local non-profit organizations to provide financial support and other practical means of assistance to our sisters and brothers in need throughout Randolph County. Our ministry partners include: 

Habitat for Humanity

Christians United Outreach Center (CUOC)

Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen

Lydia's Place

Communities in Schools BackPack Pals Program

Operation Red Sleigh



To make a contribution to our mission outreach fund, please send a check payable to: Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, and write "Mission Outreach" in the memo line. You can also use our"online offering plate" and type "Mission Outreach" into the memo line. If you would like to designate your funds towards a specific ministry partner, simply write the name of the organization on the memo line as well. 



The single most important way that you can give to God and to Good Shepherd is through prayer. Prayer is the first and most important duty and joy of every faithful follower of Jesus. It is through prayer that we obtain the guidance and strength that opens us to what God is calling us to do, so that everything we do is grounded in our relationship with God. Whether or not you are able to give of your time, talent, or treasure, prayer is something we can all offer at all times. 


Our Book of Common Prayer provides an outline of the Daily Office for those who wish to structure their daily prayers in accordance with ancient monastic practice and with other Christians all over the world. The BCP also provides prayers for variety of specific circumstances and people. Pre-written prayers can assist us by providing language when we are at a loss for words, and offering a starting point for those who are new to prayer. These prayers are ideally always supplemented by conversations with God, personal devotions, silent meditation, centering prayer, and other forms of prayer.


Stay connected.

@2025 by The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Asheboro, North Carolina. Proudly created with

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